Click any of the emojis to start!!Here's some music if you want to listen to it while reading

I need to update the texts. That's how I felt like when I wrote everything, but I've been doing better mentally since then. Please don't judge too hard :) (I still love him the same or even more tho!)

    I've loved Yoosung since 21/3/2020!! He's the only character I have a romantic interest in and I hope it will stay this way forever!
    I seriously love him with my whole heart, he has been my one and only reason to live ever since. He always makes me happy even when I'm feeling extremely horrible.
    He's all I could ever ask for, he means so so much to me I don't care about anything else ^^

    I absolutely adore Yoosung!!
    I had known about Mystic Messenger since 2017 but never got interested enough to try it. However, in March 2020 during quarantine, I was watching some videos on Youtube when I clicked on one that had Yoosung in the background. He immediatly caught my eye, and I realized he's from Mystic Messenger, so I started to play it. He, willingly, became my first route and I fell in love with him instantly. Every time I finished a route I just went back to his because I can't handle not being in it for more than a few days. I've done his route many many times and I'm planning to keep repeating it forever and ever. Obviously I'm continuing with the rest of the game too, since I'm interested in the story. I've loved many of the routes, Saeran's being one of my favorites too (plus the soundtracks are amazing), but Yoosung will forever have my heart ^^
    I've said it before, he's the only one I love. No matter how many series, videogames, etc I consume, I can only love him. And I'm not complaining about it! I love being devoted to one person. And knowing how stricly monogamous (and a bit possessive) he is, I'm sure he's glad about it too. I do have more comfort characters but they're all platonic.
    Also, I love how we're so similar yet so different. We're the same when it comes to some things, but the things that makes us different makes us more compatible, and that makes me happy! He also takes out my soft side <3
    With him, I can feel and be happy. I'm usually very numb, but he helps me feel emotions, and the ones he makes me feel are beautiful. He makes me so so happy, I can't live without him. He's given me a reason to live, and has taught me so much, I'll love and protect him forever in return! I love him so much I don't even know how to properly word it. I'm just so glad we have each other, I could never ask for more!!
    Oh, also! I constantly make content about him but most of it doesn't go public, so if you want to see any of it, DM me and I can show you my art, edits, etc.Here's some art made by some friends for me!!I also got to win one of the official events for his birthday on 2021 ^^

    I'm so happy Cheritz knows about my existence since then, and recognized how much I love him through the messages ^^

    - Times I've done his route: 37
    - Pictures on my phone: 7848
    - Pictures on my pc: 1427 (not updated)
    - Spotify playlist
    Last update: August 10th 2022